Main starting point for most things.



Returns the version of the type database. A good approximation of the version of the RE Engine the game is running on.



DMC5: name would get converted to

RE3: name would get converted to



Returns a void*. Can be used with sdk.call_native_func

Possible singletons can be found in the Native Singletons view in the Object Explorer.


Returns an REManagedObject*.

Possible singletons can be found in the Singletons view in the Object Explorer.


Returns an RETypeDefinition*.


Returns a System.Type.

Equivalent to calling sdk.find_type_definition(name):get_runtime_type().

Equivalent to typeof in C#.

sdk.create_instance(typename, simplify)

Returns an REManagedObject.

Equivalent to calling sdk.find_type_definition(typename):create_instance()

simplify - defaults to false. Set this to true if this function is returning nil.


Creates and returns a new System.String from str.

sdk.create_managed_array(type, length)

Creates and returns a new SystemArray of the given type, with length elements.

type can be any of the following:

Any other type will throw a Lua error.

If type cannot resolve to a valid System.Type, a Lua error will be thrown.


Returns a fully constructed REManagedObject of type System.SByte given the value.


Returns a fully constructed REManagedObject of type System.Byte given the value.


Returns a fully constructed REManagedObject of type System.Int16 given the value.


Returns a fully constructed REManagedObject of type System.UInt16 given the value.


Returns a fully constructed REManagedObject of type System.Int32 given the value.


Returns a fully constructed REManagedObject of type System.UInt32 given the value.


Returns a fully constructed REManagedObject of type System.Int64 given the value.


Returns a fully constructed REManagedObject of type System.UInt64 given the value.


Returns a fully constructed REManagedObject of type System.Single given the value.


Returns a fully constructed REManagedObject of type System.Double given the value.

sdk.create_resource(typename, resource_path)

Returns an REResource.

If the typename does not correctly correspond to the resource file or is not a resource type, nil will be returned.

sdk.create_userdata(typename, userdata_path)

Returns an REManagedObject which is a via.UserData. typename can be "via.UserData" unless you know the full typename.


Returns a list of REManagedObject generated from data.

data is the raw RSZ data contained for example in a .scn file, starting at the RSZ magic in the header.

data must in table format as an array of bytes.

Example usage:

local rsz_data = json.load_file("Foobar.json")
local objects = sdk.deserialize(rsz_data)

for i, v in ipairs(objects) do
    local obj_type = v:get_type_definition()

sdk.call_native_func(object, type_definition, method_name, args...)

Return value is dependent on what the method returns.

Full function prototype can be passed as method_name if there are multiple functions with the same name but different parameters.

Should only be used with native types, not REManagedObject (though, it can be if wanted).


local scene_manager = sdk.get_native_singleton("via.SceneManager")
local scene_manager_type = sdk.find_type_definition("via.SceneManager")
local scene = sdk.call_native_func(scene_manager, scene_manager_type, "get_CurrentScene")

if scene ~= nil then
    -- We can use call like this because scene is a managed object, not a native one.
    scene:call("set_TimeScale", 5.0)

sdk.call_object_func(managed_object, method_name, args...)

Return value is dependent on what the method returns.

Full function prototype can be passed as method_name if there are multiple functions with the same name but different parameters.

Alternative calling method: managed_object:call(method_name, args...)

sdk.get_native_field(object, type_definition, field_name)

sdk.set_native_field(object, type_definition, field_name, value)


Returns a REManagedObject*. Returns the current camera being used by the engine.

sdk.hook(method_definition, pre_function, post_function, ignore_jmp)

Creates a hook for method_definition, intercepting all incoming calls the game makes to it.

ignore_jmp - Skips trying to follow the first jmp in the function. Defaults to false.

Using pre_function and post_function, the behavior of these functions can be modified.

NOTE: Some native methods may not be able to be hooked with this, e.g. if they are just a wrapper over the native function. Some additional work will need to be done from our end to make those work.

pre_function and post_function looks like so:

local function pre_function(args)
    -- args are modifiable
    -- args[1] = thread_context
    -- args[2] = "this"/object pointer
    -- rest of args are the actual parameters
    -- actual parameters start at args[2] in a static function
    -- Some native functions will have the object start at args[1] and rest at args[2]
    -- All args are void* and not auto-converted to their respective types.
    -- You will need to do things like sdk.to_managed_object(args[2])
    -- or sdk.to_int64(args[3]) to get arguments to better interact with or read.

    -- if the argument is a ValueType, you need to do this to access its fields:
    -- local type = sdk.find_type_definition("via.Position")
    -- local x = sdk.get_native_field(arg[3], type, "x")

    -- OPTIONAL: Specify an sdk.PreHookResult
    -- e.g.
    -- return sdk.PreHookResult.SKIP_ORIGINAL -- prevents the original function from being called
    -- return sdk.PreHookResult.CALL_ORIGINAL -- calls the original function, same as not returning anything

local function post_function(retval)
    -- return something else if you don't want the original return value
    -- NOTE: the post_function will still be called if SKIP_ORIGINAL is returned from the pre_function
    -- So, if your function expects something valid in return, keep that in mind, as retval will not be valid.
    -- Make sure to convert custom retvals to sdk.to_ptr(retval)
    return retval

Example hook:

local function on_pre_get_timescale(args)

local function on_post_get_timescale(retval)
    -- Make the game run 5 times as fast instead
    -- TODO: Make it so casting return values like this is not necessary
    return sdk.float_to_ptr(5.0)

sdk.hook(sdk.find_type_definition("via.Scene"):get_method("get_TimeScale"), on_pre_get_timescale, on_post_get_timescale)

sdk.hook_vtable(obj, method, pre, post)

Similar to sdk.hook but hooks on a per-object basis instead, instead of hooking the function globally for all objects.

Only works if the target method is a virtual method.


Returns true if value is a valid REManagedObject.

Use only if necessary. Does a bunch of checks and calls IsBadReadPtr a lot.


Attempts to convert value to an REManagedObject*.

value can be any of the following types:

  • An REManagedObject*, in which case it is returned as-is
  • A lua number convertible to uintptr_t, representing the object's address
  • A void*

Any other type will return nil.

A value that is not a valid REManagedObject* will return nil, equivalent to calling sdk.is_managed_object on it.


Attempts to convert value to a double.

value can be any of the following types:

  • A void*


Attempts to convert value to a float.

value can be any of the following types:

  • A void*


Attempts to convert value to a int64.

value can be any of the following types:

  • A void*

If you need a smaller datatype, you can do:

  • (sdk.to_int64(value) & 1) == 1 for a boolean
  • (sdk.to_int64(value) & 0xFF) for an unsigned byte
  • (sdk.to_int64(value) & 0xFFFF) for an unsigned short (2 bytes)
  • (sdk.to_int64(value) & 0xFFFFFFFF) for an unsigned int (4 bytes)


Attempts to convert value to a void*.

value can be any of the following types:

  • An REManagedObject*
  • A lua number convertible to int64_t
  • A lua number convertible to double
  • A lua boolean
  • A void*, in which case it is returned as-is

Any other type will return nil.

sdk.to_valuetype(obj, t)

Attempts to convert obj to t

obj can be a:

  • Number
  • void*

t can be a:


Converts number to a void*.


Copies text to the clipboard.



  • sdk.PreHookResult.CALL_ORIGINAL
  • sdk.PreHookResult.SKIP_ORIGINAL